What is a blind write
What is a blind write

Very few developers give a shit about accessibility. So with the split I propose, I can do or other disability activists can build UIs based on the actual needs of disabled people versus forcing them to live with the interface you think they need. You will not be surprised if I tell you that in the speech recognition world, the speech interfaces we are given are messed up even more than the GUI interfaces are and I believe that is directly due to the lack of empathy or experience with being disabled. These interfaces were written by people who've use the same interface for years but they still mess it up. There is a secondary, less obvious reason for splitting off the UI from the application. Splitting off the UI from the application makes it possible to make an application accessible without having to go through the effort of writing an accessibility interface and it reduces the cost of accessibility on the developers making it possible to make more applications accessible.

what is a blind write

I could remove the GUI and put in a speech or an interface with graphical augmentation for feedback. If you separate the user interface from the application then you can swap out the UI for another one. The biggest technical issue with accessibility is the fixation on the all-in-one user interface and application model.


The lack of understanding about disabilities and how they affect people has created generation after generation programmers writing software that they will never be able to use once their hands or eyes stop working. Much of the accessibility problems can be summed up as not being able to truly understand what it means to live with a disability, the steadfast belief that it will never happen to them, and the inability to accept any other application/user interface combination other than the all in one bundle we use today.Age will make us all disabled it's only a question of how much, how fast.

what is a blind write

I've been trying to build a programming by speech environment that matches the capabilities speech recognition versus the current efforts of trying to make speech recognition replicate the capabilities of one's hands. I feel his pain because I've been living for over 20 years with nerve damage in my hands and it basically ended my programming career.

What is a blind write