Ooh, Shiny!: It's very difficult for Cysero to seat on topic when conversing with him.

With Friends Like These.: She's good friends with Artix, but he's terrified of her pinkness, which she loves pushing onto him.Whatevermancy: Beleen is a Pink-o-mancer.Superpowered Evil Side: Her chaotic side as Chaos Queen Beleen.Perpetual Smiler: It's rare to see Beleen without a grin on her face.OOC Is Serious Business: She's uncharacteristically mature in Hero's Hearts Day 2018, having moments of not smiling and not getting involved in the silliness.Obliviously Evil: In the Friday the 13th event "Ebil Dread", where she unleashes an army of pink-ites, to Artix's horror.Fanservice: Always dresses in very revealing outfits that show a lot of cleavage. Informed Ability: Said to be one of the great heroes in Battleon, but we have no idea how she fights nor have we ever seen her fight.She's as girly as Artix Entertainment gets. Girly Girl: Loves pink and cute furry creatures.Girls' Night Out Episode: She has one of these with Sora to Hoshi and Samba at the prospect of a spirit masquerade ball, and they also try to drag Loremaster Barb along.Genki Girl: She is excessively cheerful all the time, even in grave situations.At one point she also had black hair kept in a bun with hair sticks. Expository Hairstyle Change: She goes through quite a few hairstyles, starting off with a more of a crew cut, and later to shoulder length hair that hangs out.Evil Laugh: Has one in the Ebil Dread portion of the August 2010 Friday the 13th event.Disability Immunity: She's immune to Cupid's arrows because she already loves everyone.Cool Pet: It's a chinchilla named Chongo.Costume Evolution: Beleen's outfit changes a fair bit over the game, starting off with some pink armor with a Cleavage Window, before going towards a pink leathery top with overhanging areas near her legs and a woolen trim.Color Motif: Pink, pink, and more pink.

Cloudcuckoolander: She can a bit too cheerful at times, with a distorted judgement if pink is involved.Cleavage Window: Present in all of her outfits.Canon Immigrant: Briefly appeared in the ' DragonFable'' storyline based on Valentine's Day.In the Terra de Festa Carnaval, Cysero actually distracts her by seeing "Look! Shiny pink thing!" Ooh, Shiny!: So long as the shiny thing is pink. It also makes her immune to cupid's arrows. All-Loving Heroine: In her own words "I love everyone".She is revealed to be a Pink-o-mancer with the ability to turn things pink, which at times she goes too far. She is one of the main heroes in the game, along with the Hero, Cysero, Artix, and Warlic. BallyhooPromoter of all things glorious, she hangs out in Battleon Square dealing with promotions.īeleenBeleen is known for two things: 1) her EXTENSIVE Love of the color pink and 2) her little chinchilla friend that follows her around.